The PRV240 reduces the risk of shock and arc flash by validating the functionality of test tools without placing yourself in a potentially hazardous electrical environment
컴팩트하고, 편리하며, 안전을 위한 장비
The Fluke PRV240 Proving Unit is a portable, pocket-sized, battery-powered voltage source. It is unique in that it sources stable ac and dc voltages for both LoZ and HiZ instruments.
안전 및 규정 준수를 위한 설계
The Fluke PRV240 proving unit provides a safe and easy method for verifying proper operation of your test tool before attempting to test for either an energized source or a de-energized source without the need for cumbersome PPE, or in cases where no known voltage source is available. Your environment may still require minimal PPE such as hard, safety glasses or earplugs when using a proving unit.
The PRV240 reduces the risk of shock and arc flash by removing unnecessary exposure to a potentially hazardous electrical environment while verifying the functionality of test tools before and after absence or presence of voltage is checked.
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주문 후 배송 시간은 제품에 따라 다르며, 약 2~8주 정도의 시간이 소요됩니다(재고 보유 상품 제외)
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추가적으로 다음의 경우 해당하는 반품/교환은 일절 수용되지 않습니다.
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통신판매업신고번호 제 2019-부산해운대-1449호
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